Saturday, 8 March 2014

WEEK 2-3 Technical studies (Matte Painting in Maya)

During week3 , i was assigned to do studies of 3D Matte Painting in Maya.

The 2 websites i went to study from was



During the research , I found that matte painting is much restricted than i thought.In 3D mattepainting for films , it is basically a combination of camera projection and painting.
My earlier thoughts regarding matte painting was able to use it to cheat the backgroun for 3D films
so there isn't a need to model and texture every single detail that you only need to show for just that
'one' shot. Camera projection is the key to create the illusion to fake a 2D painting into a 3D background. The restriction here is the camera movement. Since it is an illusion , after the camera move to a certain degree of rotation or movement , the illusion will be broken. This is because in real world, there is always perspective and eye level affected human field of vision,so matte painting cannot be use if there is crazy camera movement.

A problem i have with the 2 tutorials i study was
The maya version from the tutorial that the artist did was an old version compared to mine
Which results in some function and tools not appearing in the toolbox.

For example the projection node in the hypershade

Was not available there in Maya 2014. It can only be found under Hypershade - create - utilities - Projection.

Next thing I need for doing projection would be many amount of images which layer together for e.g foreground /mid ground /back ground and the B/W alpha version of it.

                                                                      MENTAL RAY
           I sculpted the image planes according to the shape of my mountains and plane to enable the illusion when the camera moves.

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